Be a Mountain Mover

I believe we each need to be advocates for our own health. I think there is a level of learning we all need to do in order to know the right questions to ask our health care providers. And then, when we don’t get the answers we are looking for, we knock on another door. That’s what I’m doing. I’ve learned enough to say enough is enough. I want to write my story differently and I’ve learned enough to know that it’s possible. I just needed to find the right person to help me move my mountain. I have hope I finally did. Hope that I can get to the root of my disease and live with more energy than I’ve had in a long time!


My Daughter is Eighteen

My Daughter is Eighteen

Eighteen. My daughter, my youngest, my second-born, is now eighteen. My husband and I are about to be empty-nesters. How is that even possible?

When my kids were little and the struggles were real, there were moments when I dreamed of them growing up. When I wished for more minutes for myself and hoped they’d become more independent, sooner rather than later. 

You know the saying, be careful what you wish for? Well, I blinked, and my wish came true. I now have two very independent young adult children. I am so proud of who they are becoming. I know they still need me, but not in the same way, and I find myself with more minutes alone than I like. 


Natural Winter Wellness Tips

Did you know what makes you feel icky when you’re sick is actually your immune system doing its job and eliminating bugs & toxins from your body? It's not actually the germs themselves that make you feel sick.
We get a fever to help us sweat out things through our skin, and our noses run to remove toxins through mucous membranes. This is our body's natural detox method.
When you take over the counter remedies from the pharmacy they make you feel better because they suppress your immune system’s ability to detox...thus your symptoms feel reduced. Although I understand the desire to stop a runny nose and calm a cough, there are better ways to do this that work with your immune system to speed up your recovery, not just mask symptoms.

A Sauna Vacation

Recently, my hubby and I bought a membership at a local infrared sauna.

If you live anywhere in the Northern United States, as I do, a sauna is a welcome escape from the long, cold winters. 

I remember reading about them in my early day of researching autoimmune and thyroid health, so I suppose that was the first seed planted. But, I had no access to one and buying one for my home didn’t fall into the realm of possibility. Still doesn’t, but maybe someday.


Societal Norms and Underarm Hair

Societal Norms and Underarm Hair

Pink Armpit hair. My daughter wants the world to know her underarm hair is pink. 

I admit. It's not really my thing, but hey that’s okay. Just because it's not the norm, doesn’t mean it shouldn't be done.  That got me thinking. I mean, who set the standard that women need to shave anyway? 

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