How did I willingly end up in network marketing? Truth be told, I wasn't looking for it. It just found me.
It's pretty amazing to look back and see the steps God took me through to lead me to where I am today. My story won't be yours, but I’m hoping by the end, you will be inspired to figure out where Young Living fits into your life.
I recently found out I have high levels of estrogen stored in my body and eating a diet rich in fiber helps to flush (ie poop) out the excess. Too much estrogen can wreak havoc on one’s body and I am tired of being tired. I am weary of the mood swings. I am ready to shed the extra pounds that keep piling on.
So, since I want my body to function optimally, I plan to listen to my doctor and increase my fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables each day. In fact, I’m taking it a step further and cutting out meat for the next month -not indefinitely-it’s just a reset . Conventionally raised beef is loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones that stay with the animal and get passed on to the consumer. By eating grain-fed, non-organic meat, I am loading my body with even more estrogen.