Tell your story
The longer version of this story is that dis-ease doesn't happen overnight. It took years of making lifestyle changes. It isn't like an injury. It doesn't happen in a day. Rather it takes years to show up. The symptoms usually start slowly, and unless you are paying close attention, you may not notice the signals your body is sending that something is wrong-until it's a full blown problem!
All of a sudden, I Felt empowered
Just as dis-ease in your body doesn't happen overnight, on the same note, healing doesn’t happen overnight either. The truth is, I didn’t take the medication to heal me. I took it to relieve my symptoms. In theory, the synthetic hormones were supposed to replace the ones my body was no longer making. The problem with this kind of "treatment" is that it makes the assumption the body is unfixable and I happen to completely disagree. The human body is fearfully and wonderfully made and is designed to heal itself...if given the right tools.
So, the meds weren't a permanent fix. There was still a problem and I still wanted to fix it. I didn’t want to spend my life in a doctor’s office every three-six months, which was what I had been doing, and I didn’t want to be constantly tweaking the dosage to fit my body’s ever changing needs. I wanted to be off the meds altogether. My goal was, and always will be, to heal my body from the inside out so I can live my best life. As long as I needed medication, I felt like I hadn’t accomplished my goal.
The Health Plan That Worked For Me
I did use food as medicine. I eliminated inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, refined sugar, processed foods and highly refined vegetable oils. I adopted the paleo eating plan. I filled my plate with wholesome fruits, vegetables, quality protein and healthy fats.
I did prioritize sleep and rest. This is a must. Sleep is restorative, so I took time to slow down and rest. It was also important to control my stress levels. When I let stress get out of control, it taxes my adrenal glands and it increases the hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol lead to all kinds of other problems. Besides, little did I know back then, my cortisol was being affected by the mycotoxins my body was unable to detox fast enough.
I did kick environmental toxins from my life. I stopped using over the counter room sprays and plug-ins. I threw away synthetic perfumes. I began using quality essential oils. I applied a blend called Endoflex over my thyroid daily and a blend called Joy over my heart. I also incorporated the habit of diffusing oils like lavender, peace and calming and cedar wood to help me sleep. Thieves essential oil became a staple in my home to clean the air and support my immune system. The list could go on, but suffice it to say, my house never smelled so good and my body began to thank me for lessening the toxic load it has been carrying. If this is a change you want to make, then please go the extra mile and make sure the oils you get are not filled with the very same chemicals you are trying hard to eliminate. I can help you find the best. Just say the word. Find Your Quality Oils Here
I did read labels and understand what’s in the products I use. Ingredients matter in everything. Check out EWG.org to start learning what's in your household cleaners and skin care products.
5. I did acknowledge that I cannot compartmentalize my emotional, physical and mental health. One affects the other. Everything in your body is connected. Your brain. Your gut. Every organ, When one malfunctions, it's a ripple effect. This is why I'm still on a journey of healing. It takes time to address every area of my life and make the necessary changes that leads me to optimal health.
6. I did see the power of positive thoughts and beliefs. Toxic thoughts and negative emotion have the ability to sabotage my progress. Not to mention, they can be stored in the body and cause their own havoc.
7. I did work with professional functional and holistic providers to identify underlying issues that are affecting my overall health. After years of guess work and paying for endless doctor visits, I found someone willing to do all the things (extensive testing and bloodwork) to help me find the root cause of my disease.
8. I did focus on gut health. This has been a game changer!
9. I did educate myself. I’ve spent years reading books and listening to podcasts. Eat Dirt, The Paleo Cure, The Thyroid Connection, Grain Brain, and No Grain No Pain have been instrumental in my learning journey. I listen to podcasts, such as The Art of Being Well with Dr. Will Cole. Danielle Walker, and Paleo Running Momma have been an excellent resource for recipes. I did my homework.
How are you needing help on your health journey? I'm not a medical professional and cannot diagnose or promise any results, but I can certainly share more in depth what I've found to be helpful in healing my body. contact me