Simple Swaps To Better Health

Simple Swaps To Better Health
Ready for a change in your health? There are small, simple changes you can make each day that can make a big difference in how you feel. I've compiled all the things I've done over the last ten plus years to lower inflammation in my body. I'm calling it the 3 months of Simple Swaps plan.  And...It's not all about food. It's also about reducing the environemntal toxins around you too.  There are a lot of small things you can do, one by one, to optimally support your body. 

Whether or not you’re healthy or sick, they are tried and true swaps that can make a difference in everyone's life. I'm excited for you read this!

Overcoming Hashimoto Disease

Our journey through health and wellness is profoundly personal, often marked by trials and triumphs unique to each one's own story. In my life, overcoming Hashimoto thyroiditis became a pivotal chapter, highlighting not just the struggle with an autoimmune condition but the triumph that comes from taking charge of my health. It was the first step that eventually led me to find the root cause of my health struggles, mold. It wasn't the meds that made a difference, but the lifestyle changes I made. 


Stepping Into Healthier You

Stepping Into Healthier You
Are you looking to reset your health and make positive changes but don't know where to start? Look no further! The 14-day Reset focuses on four key areas to help you create a happy, healthy body by giving you more energy, reducing inflammation and lessening your toxic burden. People who have tried it are experiencing improvements in body image, weight loss, stress reduction, increased energy, improved mood, and more!

What sets the 14-day Reset apart is its focus on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than a restrictive diet. It can be repeated multiple times, offering continuous support and opportunities for improvement. This Reset is designed to meet you where you are and lead you towards optimal health goals. With the support of a community of like-minded individuals, you'll have access to resources like videos and posts from knowledgeable experts who will guide you through the process.

Join the 14-day Reset now and gain access to protocols, schedules, meal plans, workouts, and a supportive community. Believe in the possibility of optimal health and take small steps every day that will lead to significant changes. Many have already seen improvements in energy levels, blood sugar, and weight. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your health and join the 14-day Reset today!

Beginners Guide: Using Essential Oils With Your Dog

Beginners Guide: Using Essential Oils With Your Dog
I’m here to assure you can safely use Young Living essential oils on and around your dog for their benefit and not detriment. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. I've got ten tips and 2 recipes for using esssential oils with your dog.


Calming A Fearful Dog

Calming A Fearful Dog
Just as fear has risen in people, it has also risen in dogs. Things like fear of thunderstorms, fireworks and even fear of being left alone are common concerns I hear from other pet owners. I'm going to offer my suggestion of how this happens and then give you action steps to having a calmer dog.
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