Simple Swaps To Better Health

Simple Swaps To Better Health
Ready for a change in your health? There are small, simple changes you can make each day that can make a big difference in how you feel. I've compiled all the things I've done over the last ten plus years to lower inflammation in my body. I'm calling it the 3 months of Simple Swaps plan.  And...It's not all about food. It's also about reducing the environemntal toxins around you too.  There are a lot of small things you can do, one by one, to optimally support your body. 

Whether or not you’re healthy or sick, they are tried and true swaps that can make a difference in everyone's life. I'm excited for you read this!

The What and the Why of Diffusers

Quite simply, it’s a wonderful tool that will bring calm, clarity, comfort and joy all in one. I have one in almost every room of my home. Diffusing has become  a part of my bedtime routine. It runs when I need to wake-up, calm down, or simply focus. It helps cleans the air and my cells. Diffusers have become a bright presence in my home and I couldn’t be happier about it. Could I live without my daily aromatherapy? Sure. But, do I want to? No. Whenever I am without it, I miss the benefits it brings.

Natural Winter Wellness Tips

Did you know what makes you feel icky when you’re sick is actually your immune system doing its job and eliminating bugs & toxins from your body? It's not actually the germs themselves that make you feel sick.
We get a fever to help us sweat out things through our skin, and our noses run to remove toxins through mucous membranes. This is our body's natural detox method.
When you take over the counter remedies from the pharmacy they make you feel better because they suppress your immune system’s ability to detox...thus your symptoms feel reduced. Although I understand the desire to stop a runny nose and calm a cough, there are better ways to do this that work with your immune system to speed up your recovery, not just mask symptoms.

Oily Tips and Recipes

Oily Tips and Recipes
I recently had an oily get-together and I enjoyed every minute of it! I tell ya, it feels so good to have people over again. It had been a year since I invited my Young Living friends to gather in my home to fellowship and talk all things oils. I've always enjoyed having people over, but it's icing on the cake when conversation revolves around a healthy living lifestyle.
I use to stress and drive my family crazy the hours before guests showed up. I’d get snappy and grumpy as the hour approached. 
Ask my husband. He remembers.