A happy healthy dog starts at home and what you clean with matters. Dogs are bombarded with toxins at so many levels, their liver can't keep up and dis-ease may rear it's ugly head, or more subtle symptoms such as gut issues, sensitivities and skin issues. Here’s where to look, what to avoid and a solution.
You shouldn't neglect your body when you think of spring cleaning. The products you use will affect your health in either a positive or negative way. The bleach you may use to clean the grout damages your respiratory system and may cause headaches. It did to me. So many cleaners come with warnings and are filled with chemicals that are unsafe. On the other hand, using Young Living essential oils, along with the famous Thieves household Cleaner (which I’ll talk about) , can go a long way in doing a much needed positive spring cleaning in your body.
With the warmer days also comes thoughts of sping cleaning. Its with that in mind I bring you part two of "What's In Your Cleaning Products?" Transform your cleaning in every room of your home with products that you can feel good about.