Beginners Guide: Using Essential Oils With Your Dog

Beginners Guide: Using Essential Oils With Your Dog
I’m here to assure you can safely use Young Living essential oils on and around your dog for their benefit and not detriment. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. I've got ten tips and 2 recipes for using esssential oils with your dog.


A healthy dog starts at home

A healthy dog starts at home
A happy healthy dog starts at home and what you clean with matters. Dogs are bombarded with toxins at so many levels, their liver can't keep up and dis-ease may rear it's ugly head, or more subtle symptoms such as gut issues, sensitivities and skin issues. Here’s where to look, what to avoid and a solution. 

Calming A Fearful Dog

Calming A Fearful Dog
Just as fear has risen in people, it has also risen in dogs. Things like fear of thunderstorms, fireworks and even fear of being left alone are common concerns I hear from other pet owners. I'm going to offer my suggestion of how this happens and then give you action steps to having a calmer dog.

Anointing My Senior Dogs With Frankincense Essential Oil

Anointing My Senior Dogs With Frankincense Essential Oil
Being 11 years old, my aging dogs definitely have lumps and bumps that I don’t like. I read they are normal, but I don’t buy it. So, daily I put a drop of frankincense essential oil on my dog’s food along with a splash of the superfood supplement, Ningxia Red. But what really brings me peace, is when I take the time to anoint my senior dogs. I put a drop of frankincense on their back and massage it in with prayer. I pray the Lord will bless them and keep them healthy and strong. The bible tells me God is compassionate to ALL he has made. That includes my beloved dogs. Your dogs too. So, I pray for love and compassion to wash over them, trusting in God’s promises to hear my prayer. Doing this truly brings me peace as I surrender their lives into his hands. After all, they are his creatures and not a sparrow falls without him knowing. Matthew 10:29

The Persistance of a Beagle

The Persistance of a Beagle
Scout’s behavior (and Mercy’s too) can often be bothersome to me. If it’s not asking for treats, they may be annoying me with requests to be let out in the middle of the night or to play or walk at an inconvenient time. Mercy, my lab, bless her heart, will ask but often is quick to give up on me. Scout, on the other hand, will keep knocking. Keep asking. Keep seeking me out. He pleads with me with his big beagle eyes and cries until I say yes to him. I think there’s a lesson here about not giving up. 

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