Other than carrying a rolled up newspaper, or fly swatter around, how DO YOU keep mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas, spiders, gnats and the like from biting or taking up residence on you, or your beloved dog, the natural way? (Yes, oils can safely be used on your furry friend too. I'll cover that in my next post.)
Anyone else feel like they’re a bug magnet the minute they walk outside?
Thankfully there are solutions that allow you to enjoy summer and be protected from bug bites. I've got the scoop on repellents and the essential oils you'll want to have on hand to make your own DIY Bug Off!
First, let’s talk skincare. It’s always important to take care of your skin, but especially when it's exposed to the sun. The excitement of longer, brighter, and warmer days can make it easy to be a forgetful of this.