Being grateful. It's not always so easy, is it? What if I told you I had something that can be a tool to help refocus your thoughts to ones of thankfulness?
Well, I do. Keep reading to see what I mean.
Take Captive Every Thought
In my life, I know I often allow my current circumstances to affect my health and slow my healing. By dwelling on all that is wrong, I’m adding to my physical and emotional stress. There is much I can’t control about my mold exposure, what it’s done to my health, but I CAN control my thoughts about it. I CAN choose to find things to be grateful for.
I believe when God tells us to take captive every thought and make it obedient to him, he’s not just talking about the “bad” ones, the anxious ones, the defeated ones, etc.., but also the pleasant ones, grateful ones, happy ones, creative ones. It’s a surrender of ALL the thoughts in our head. He wants us to steward them for his purpose and glory. I’m pretty sure I have not been doing that very well. 😢
But, I also believe that because we are wonderfully complex human beings made by a creative God, there’s more to it than that.
Here’s what I mean.
With thoughts come emotions. We have thoughts and then we create emotions tied to those thoughts. Emotions that we don’t take captive and deal with can be stored in the body. For example, anger is stored in the liver. Left unchecked, it can lead to stress, inflammation and disease. You do yourself a disservice by under-estimating the power of your thoughts. You cannot separate your mind and body from each other. They are intricately woven together and one affects the other. Go back and read that again. Let it sink in.
If I want to heal physically, I must also address the unhealthy thoughts I’m dwelling on and replace them with happier, grateful ones. And, if you know me at all, it shouldn’t surprise you that one of first things I grab to help me let go of the stress and turn my thoughts around is an essential oil. Believe it or not, I actually have one called Gratitude. How perfect is that? All I have to do is breath it in and Voila! A dose of gratitude and waves of thanksgiving will wash over me. End of story. Problem solved.
Okay, okay, I know. You're right. It's not that easy. I'm exaggerating, of course. But, by using the Gratitude blend, I am taking a moment to breathe in and focus. I'm taking a moment to intentionally recall my many blessings and I'm allowing the power of aromatherapy to bring to mind and unlock the negative emotions that are holding me back and possibly being stored in my body. If stored in my body, they create weakness and leave room for dis-ease to set in.
What I find fascinating is that, according to Carolyn Mein in, D. C. in Releasing Emotional Pattern With Essential Oils, studies have been done to show "the amygdala gland (the gland in the limbic system of the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body) doesn't repsond to sound, sight, or touch. It only releases emotional trauma through the sense of smell. The sense of smell is the only one of our five senses directly connected to the emotional seat of our brain." It can have a profound affect on our emotions and send messages to the rest of our body and support us physically, mentally and emotionally. That's all by God's design. We are indeed wonderfully made.
Why is it called Gratitude?
The essential oil blend Gratitude, created by Young Living, consists of multiple essential oil singles: balsam fir, frankincense, myrrh, ylang ylang, coriander, bergamot, northern lights black spruce, vetiver and geranium. These oils were strategically combined to be soothing to the body, heart and mind. When the body is relaxed, it is more open to receive blessings. Think about it, when your mind is consumed with worry and you’re thinking of all the things you need to do, or can't do, when you're anxious and fearful, you’re not going to be in a place to be grateful. Am I right?
So, will you join me in breathing some Gratitude? Will you consider bringing the power of aromatherapy into your life and addressing the ungrateful, negative thoughts weighing you down? Let go of the negative energy you are carrying and make space for positive thoughts and energy that will bring healing to your body in ways you can't even imagine. The connection between our mental/emotional health and physical health is so intertwined. One cannot be healthy if the other is unwell.
Once you choose your favorite YL essential oil (it doesn't have to be the above mentioned blend, but I do recommend it be from YL), put a drop in your hand and breathe in deeply as you ask the Lord to give you grateful heart?
I once read a book called One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. What I took away from this book and what has had a lasting impact on my life, are the words "Joy is always possible because thanksgiving is always possible." There's a lot more to that statement, but the truth here is that true joy comes from a grateful heart.
So, what are you thankful for today? For what blessings can you give thanks? I'd love for you to say hi and share them with me. In doing so, maybe we can find a little more joy together.