Do you like to dream?
Are you looking for a way to make your dreams come true? Maybe my story will inspire you.
As I think about moving to a new state soon and wonder what I'll be doing in my new place, I don't entirely know what to envision. I can't see what doors will open and what opportunities will present themselves. However, I can tell you what I'm hopeful for. I can tell you what is possible if I set my mind to it. And I can tell you this: I'm excited for new connections and new growth in my business, believing it will take off in ways I can't even imagine.
Planting Trees
I heard an old Chinese proverb recently.
“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”
I’ve planted a tree. Real ones and proverbial ones.
The real ones I planted a couple of summers ago with my husband. We planted them fully aware we would not be around long enough to benefit from their shade. They were planted to bless the next owners of our home. Thankfully, someone had done that for us before we moved in. The solitary maple tree in the middle of the backyard grew over our years here to cover the backyard with lots of shade, making it an inviting place to be. Forts were made, swings hung, water balloons launched and picnics were held under the mighty maple someone had planted before we arrived.
Slowly, that tree eventually succumbed to weather, limb by limb, falling fort and all, leaving us with a big empty backyard. It took a few years to figure out what we wanted to do to replace it. It took several small baby trees not making it until we finally decided to purchase two bigger, more established trees and plant them in new, strategic locations.
So far, two years later, they are doing well. Give them a few more years and I’m certain new memories will be made under their shade. Just not our memories.
Planting a Dream
The proverbial tree I’ve planted is my dream.
My dream is to continue working from home in direct sales through network marketing. With Young Living, specifically. I learned early on that I want I thrive when I can have freedom over my days and my time and spend it doing something I'm passionate about. I know sometimes you just have to take a job for the sake of a job, but life is too short to settle for something you don't love-if you don't have to. Thankfully, I have found a purpose I could pour my whole heart into and one that brings in an income, provides community, and offers flexibility and freedom. It's more than a job to me.
When I was a homeschooling mom I used to describe homeschooling as a way of living, a lifestyle. I loved how the boundaries of home and school just meshed together. I believe selling the essential oil lifestyle is similar. It flows in and out of everything I do. It's a lifestyle.
In fact, that’s how it started.
This tree, this dream, began as a seed and it's been growing for around 10 years. At first the seed was handed to me, hidden within a box of essential oils I was interested in exploring. To say I didn’t know the potential of all that box represented, would be an understatement. I didn’t even see the seed (dream) at first, but, once I found it, and called it my own, I planted it in a small pot and watered it- when I remembered. Since then, it’s grown out of its regular pot and I’ve had to replant it, over and over. But here’s the thing. Sometimes I don't feel like watering it. Sometimes I look at my tree and get discouraged. I wonder why its limbs are weak and why some break off? Why aren't there more buds and flowers? I think “Geez, this tree is slow growing.” Is it even worth taking care of?
However, in my moments of doubt, I always come back to YES. It is. Watering my dream tree is worth my time. It’s worth remembering to water it and to fertilize it. To prune it and speak tenderly to it.

Sometimes I am short sighted and all I can see is a small dream tree.
It’s only in looking back to the beginning that I can see how far it’s come. How a tiny dream seed that was non-existent has blossomed and grown to the height it is now. Is it as tall as I want it to be? No. But it will get there with consistent watering. It will eventually branch out and provide beautiful shade (health, friendships, income, etc..) to my life and the lives of those around me.
Even though I have moments of discouragement (and that’s all they are, mere moments), I’m grateful I planted my dream seed ten years ago. I’m that much further in my growth than if I had waited and considered myself unqualified, unknowledgeable and unworthy of my dream.
Plant a tree with me
I’m looking to grow an orchard of others interested in essential oils, healthy living and making an income (side or otherwise). Who wants to grow with me? You can grow your tree next to mine and we can reach the stars with our branches together! We can grow alongside eachother, helping those around us find healthy living through essential oils and other clean living choices. It's health care at it's finest!
Like I said earlier, I don't know the doors that will open in my new location and how I'll spend all of my time, but I do know I will continue to water my tree and I'm continuing to believe great things for it. The best is yet to come and I'd love for you to see it with me.
Follow the link below to learn more then message me to plant your dream seed.