Integrity: Honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions
Total honesty and sincerity
I have an apology to make. I have not walked in complete integrity.
Not too long ago I had a gathering of my people in my home. Although it was well attended and I was honored by each person’s decision to come, I felt unsettled after everyone left. Almost icky. Weak. Disappointed in myself. I didn't show up the way I had planned. I didn’t walk with integrity.
You see, I failed to speak what was on my heart. I succumbed to fear. I made assumptions and let those assumptions paralyze me. I had words on a page that I didn’t read because of the assumed response. I didn't tell my friends that they could earn $75 just by using their personal link. I didn't remind them that Loyalty Rewards gives them 10% -25% in spendable points every month. I want to live with integrity, but is it integrity if I’m holding back? Is that being sincere and honest? If I’m not speaking the truth of what my heart’s desire is, am I being totally honest?
Because my heart’s desire is for you to see the blessing that is Young Living. Not just the oils, but the whole package. It's my responsibility to share that knowledge with you. It's then your choice to say yes, but how can you, if you don't even know about it?
My whole heart wants to tell you how: GOOD is purchasing the premium starter bundle, BETTER is ordering a wellness box every month through Loyalty Rewards and BEST is becoming a brand partner. When you make any purchase with YL, you also get a community. A built in support system. My heart wants to say ”let's do this together. Choose the BEST package. Let’s be a community. Get your products paid for. Or better yet, go all out and BUILD a business with me!”
But I don’t. I hold back. I fear rejection over and over. I feebly skip over the words and tuck them back in hiding because I hold too tightly to what people think of me.
And I apologize for that. I apologize for not being honest about all the opportunities YL offers. The perks and benefits.
In the future, I hope I do better.
No, actually, I’m going to do better right now. Young Living has been immeasurably more than what I could have dreamed for my future. When I bought my first bundle in 2014, I had no idea how the products and business opportunity would bless me.
And this is where I want to walk in integrity. To honestly share what's on my heart… You can be blessed too! Whether you need to purchase your first bundle, join Loyalty Rewards or say yes to getting your products paid for, just say yes! Even if you don't understand all the ways to use essentail oils yet. Even if you think there's no way you can find things to order every month. Even if you say, like I did, "No way. I never want to build a business!" I'm here to help you figure all these things out.
I'm excited for you to open the door to better health, rich friendships and community, and a residual income that will bless your socks off!
If you're not currently a customer, follow this link to creat a free acount. You will have the opportunity to purchase a bundle or add something to a Loyalty Reward Order. Both will unlock the 24% wholesale discount. I encourage you to add a brand partner kit for $15 too! This will allow you to be elgible for getting your products paid for. Let me know if you want more info on this. (Hint: Sharing your link and signing up one friend will earn you $75! Do this twice and your Bundle is paid for.)