Health Is An Investment

Health is an investment, not an expense.

How many of us see it this way though?

How often do you say no to the organic foods because they are too expensive? Making homemade meals too hard? How many times do you neglect squeezing in a workout because you just don’t have the time? How about sleep? Do you find yourself giving up quality sleep for other things?

Whether it’s an investment of time, money or effort, you are worth it! Your long term health depends on it. 


Making Essential Oils a Habit

Let’s talk about habits, essential oils and digestive health.  Every Friday, I'm going to bring you some fun facts or interesting information to help you learn more about essential oils and how to use them. 

Adopting the essential oil lifestyle is all about retraining your brain to reach for an oil or oil-infused product over something else.


Essential Oils

When was the moment I fell in love with essential oils?

I’m not sure I can pin it to one moment, but rather, like many love stories, it was a love that grew over time. I know that sounds a little corny, but I think the analogy fits. It was, and still is, filled with “aha” and “wow” moments. 


Heartland: Tears Are Okay

Heartland: Tears Are Okay
All I will say is, I cried.
Okay, that’s not all. How about I explain. I think I need to process my reaction and I’m taking you along for the ride.
I’m talking about the CBC TV series Heartland.


The Gifts of The Magi: Frankincense and Myrrh

Have you ever wondered why the Magi gave Mary, Joseph and Jesus gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh? Gold makes sense, but why frankincense and myrrh? After all, if the gifts themselves weren’t important, why were they mentioned?

All three were treasures, rich with meaning. That’s just how God works. So many hidden messages in just one word. One story. The significance of these gifts should not be overlooked. 

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