When was the moment I fell in love with essential oils? Or, maybe I should say, when did I adopt the essential oil lifestyle, because that is exactly what it is. A lifestyle.
I’m not sure I can pin it to one moment, but rather, like many love stories, it was a love that grew over time. I know that sounds a little corny, but I think the analogy fits. It was, and still is, filled with “aha” and “wow” moments.
Like, when I successfully used Thieves essential oil to clean the yucky build up due to excessive moisture on my windows? It did what I thought bleach could only do.
Or, after I had applied Joy essential oil to my heart faithfully for a few months and the heaviness of sadness that was weighing me down lifted.
And, of course, I can’t neglect to mention the way Thieves Cleaner has won me over. It has effortlessly cleaned my oven more times than I can count. It’s "magically" made burnt on rice disappear from pots. Tubs and showers have sparkled, stains have lifted and unwanted grime wiped away. It has become my go-to, all-purpose non-toxic cleaner. I am in love with this stuff because it’s not filled with harmful, abrasive chemicals AND it works!

The truth is, while all these stories are true, ultimately, I think the power of these oils lies in the aromatherapy benefits. When you find just the right smell that hits your limbic system and kicks feel good chemicals into action, you keep coming back for more! You fall in love with feeling good. Aromatherapy has the ability to comfort, soothe, uplift and support your body in just the way it needs. There’s nothing like it.
Whenever the moment I fell, there is no doubt I am in love now and Young Living’s essential oils have changed my life for the better. I keep coming back for more and I want you to too.