Recently, my hubby and I bought a membership at a local infrared sauna.
I remember reading about them in my early day of researching autoimmune and thyroid health, so I suppose that was the first seed planted. But, I had no access to one and buying one for my home didn’t fall into the realm of possibility. Still doesn’t, but maybe someday.
The second seed was planted when Dave and I noticed a new business had opened. A sauna. The owner had stepped outside, so we had an opportunity to ask questions and pick up a flyer. I was intrigued. I read through the information, entertained the idea of trying it, but the idea eventually made its way into a pile of other papers and was forgotten. At least by me.
Turns out Dave hadn't forgotten because he came home one day with a surprise. For our 25th wedding anniversary, he had purchased a week trial (couple) membership for the infrared sauna!
(Here’s the link. If you’re local to NW Iowa, try it out! Let’s give them a reason to stay in business! https://zweetkamer712.com/)
It turned out to be a wonderful gift!
After a week of infrared heat therapy, we were hooked.
That all happened at the end of 2020. When Valentine's Day rolled around, I suggested we treat ourselves again.
So we did. This time committing to a six month membership. The way I see it, it’s an investment in our short and long-term health.
Why, you might ask? Well, for one, it’s something Dave and I can do together. So, in this way, it’s an investment in the health of our marriage.
Beyond that, it has a lot of physical health benefits. With regular use, infrared light is a healthy heat that offers the benefits of detoxification, pain relief, weight control, improved circulation, and skin purification.
Personally, the handful of times I’ve used the sauna, I’ve left feeling relaxed and just warmed to the core. Just yesterday, immediately after leaving our 40 minutes session, I stepped out into the frigid minus degree weather and I honestly did not feel chilled. It was wonderful!
Moral of the story: If you live in the northern parts of the world and are needing an escape from the winter blues, a sauna is for you. A short 40 minute vacation any day of the week.
If stress is weighing you down and you want a way to relax, try an infrared sauna.
Got pain. A sauna increases circulation and eases the inflammation.
Try it. You won’t be sorry. The only thing better would be to combine the warmth of the infrared sauna with stress away essential oil (a heavenly, melting aroma) diffusing calm into the air. I would totally fall asleep!