Winter Wellness Gameplan

Winter Wellness Gameplan

Did you know, what makes you feel icky when you’re sick is actually your immune system doing its job and eliminating bugs & toxins from your body? It's not actually the germs themselves that make you feel sick. Essential oils help boost your immune system, help detox, and even help kill the germs itself.  But they do not suppress the body's natural detox process...nor should you really want it to. Your body wants and needs all that ick to be out. Keep reading to map out your gameplan for attacking any winter germs that come your way. 


Estrogen Reset

Estrogen Reset

I recently found out I have high levels of estrogen stored in my body and eating a diet rich in fiber helps to flush (ie poop) out the excess. Too much estrogen can wreak havoc on one’s body and I am tired of being tired. I am weary of the mood swings. I am ready to shed the extra pounds that keep piling on. 

So, since I want my body to function optimally, I plan to listen to my doctor and increase my fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables each day. In fact, I’m taking it a step further and cutting out meat for the next month -not indefinitely-it’s just a reset . Conventionally raised beef is loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones that stay with the animal and get passed on to the consumer. By eating grain-fed, non-organic meat, I am loading my body with even more estrogen.


The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect
Being unhealthy doesn’t just happen overnight. I didn’t go to bed one night perfectly fine and wake up with disease the next day. Disease and illness began LONG before I saw signs of it. Its a result of choices I made daily that compounded over time. Genetics may have played a part, but they're not the only player in the game. 

On the flip side, healing from any kind of chronic illness also takes efforts of compounding. Daily choices continue to play into how I feel and if I recover. 


Look What I Found

I’ve been battling a little bit of a dry, scratchy throat. and I know from experience, the Thieves Cough Drops (combined with menthol from peppermint essential oil) do the trick to comfort and soothe. Seriously, they are the bomb! They have spoiled me against all other cough and throat drops.

Be Inspired

Be Inspired

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to make a difference in your health, look no further. If you’re also looking for way to be in an inspiration to others (while you grow a rewarding business), you’ve come to the right place. I can help you get started with both!

I’ve got a “class in a bag” that I would love to send you. It has a sample YL product (Did you know we have more than essential oils?) an essential oil roll-on blend and a some easy reading that will teach you the what and why of essential oils, plus a bonus mini- version of the book that was such an inspiration to me: Gameplan!
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