Early Reflections On The Empty Nest

Early Reflections On The Empty Nest
I bought myself ice cream today. Dairy free, that is. I have been craving it the last couple  nights. 
That's because I am finding these first few nights without my daughter at home difficult and my emotions are getting the best of me. It's the time of day I would see her the most. When we would eat dinner   together and watch our favorite shows. Often she would have a bowl of ice cream too.

Hope- The First Part


I can’t live without it, but yet when it disappoints, which it often does, it leaves me grieving. 

Right now, I’m clinging to it. I saw a glimpse of what could be. Past realities tell me it won’t happen. Present realities make me doubt as well. 

But, here’s the thing.

Lazarus was in the grave four days before Jesus came. Hope of his healing was buried with him. His family grieved. Jesus wept.

Jesus also died and was buried. He was in the grave for two days. Where was hope then?


Hope- The Story Continues

Hope has been at the forefront of my mind lately. I’ve been hopeful for specific things to come. I thought I caught a glimpse of something that got me excited. And, maybe I did, but that hope is being challenged and I’m now filled with overwhelming doubt.

Listening to my Intuition

There are times when my gut, my intuition tells me something isn’t right. I have been quietly listening and learning over the past year and there are many things that have not sat well with me.

So, I thought I'd share my journey and train of thought in the hopes it will spark some questions in you or just help you understand a perspective that may be different than your own. A perspective that is grounded in love and care for my fellow neighbor, just as I trust yours is.

Be a Mountain Mover

I believe we each need to be advocates for our own health. I think there is a level of learning we all need to do in order to know the right questions to ask our health care providers. And then, when we don’t get the answers we are looking for, we knock on another door. That’s what I’m doing. I’ve learned enough to say enough is enough. I want to write my story differently and I’ve learned enough to know that it’s possible. I just needed to find the right person to help me move my mountain. I have hope I finally did. Hope that I can get to the root of my disease and live with more energy than I’ve had in a long time!

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