Eighteen. My daughter, my youngest, my second-born, is now eighteen. My husband and I are about to be empty-nesters. How is that even possible?
When my kids were little and the struggles were real, there were moments when I dreamed of them growing up. When I wished for more minutes for myself and hoped they’d become more independent, sooner rather than later.
You know the saying, be careful what you wish for? Well, I blinked, and my wish came true. I now have two very independent young adult children. I am so proud of who they are becoming. I know they still need me, but not in the same way, and I find myself with more minutes alone than I like.
Pink Armpit hair. My daughter wants the world to know her underarm hair is pink.
I admit. It's not really my thing, but hey that’s okay. Just because it's not the norm, doesn’t mean it shouldn't be done. That got me thinking. I mean, who set the standard that women need to shave anyway?