Simple Swaps To Better Health
I'm a paper kind of girl. Give me a recipe online or a cookbook, I'll choose the book I can hold in my hand. I do like to to look up new recipes online, but I often find myself printing them and making a collection of all my favorite go-tos. I make my own custom recipe book.  

I have a binder that has held so many different recipes. It includes recipes my family loves and favorites of mine. It tells a story. 

From time to time I clean it out and update it.  Write a new chapter, edit the old chapters. 

I did that this weekend. As I was adding and taking away from it I was struck by how my food choices have changed over the years. I’ve learned a lot about what to eat, what to avoid and why. I read labels and try to understand what I'm putting in and on my body. Even what I use to clean has changed. I didn't learn it all right away. It's taken me ten years. Ten years of reading books, listening to podcasts, having conversations, and yes, making mistakes. I've learned by trial and error what serves my body best. Some of it I was just too stubborn to believe or want to change. But now, I've gained knowledge and experience in a getting back to foundational health and I've laid a plan that can help you make simple swaps that everyone, no matter what your circumstance,  can benefit from. It involves eliminating inflammatory foods and harmful chemicals one by one. 

I like to think, by sharing this with you, I'm now redeeming the years my health was at its lowest. 

 THree Months of Simple Swaps

It's called Three Months of Simple Swaps and it's not all about food. It's also about reducing the environmental toxins around you. Month two is looking at household products where month three is addressing body care. I break the plan down by months and weeks. For example, MONTH ONE looks at food and WEEK ONE's challenge is to eliminate inflammatory vegetable oils from your pantry. Take a look:  

Week 1- Vegetable Oils
  1. Read labels. Pick one thing a day from your pantry and read the ingredients. How many do you recognize? Write down a few words to look up. Search “Dangers of….” and see what you find.
  1. As you read labels, see if you have anything with  hydrogenated vegetable oil. Toss it. I know it will  seem wasteful. But, trust me, it’s a good choice. 
  1. Replace your vegetable oils with coconut oil, olive oil, and/or avocado oil.
  1. Listen to this podcast. This doctor is one of my favorite to learn from. Cooking Oil myths (Dr Will Cole)
  2. Read this article. It's another good resource.

My goal is to reduce the overwhelm of change and give you an action plan that will help you on the road to feeling your best. I don't go into details of the why, but I do provide resource links to empower you to discover on your own the reason behind the changes. Take the plan at your own pace. The timeline is only a suggestion. If it takes you a month to successfully eliminate vegetables oils, so be it. That's a win. 

Whether or not you’re healthy or sick, these simple swaps are tried and true foundational health changes that can make a difference in your life. If you find your health isn't where you want it to be or you simply want to take action now to prevent disease and chronic inflammation in the future, I created this for you. Take the research I've done and let it help you. 

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Want to learn more about essential oils and how to kick toxins to the curb? Head over to my website.


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