Essential Oils Are Not Expensive

Essential Oils Are Not Expensive

Essential oils are not expensive. In fact, Young Living has over 50 oils that cost $20 or less per bottle. And, most everything is concentrated and easily diluted, extending it’s life even longer!

Essential oils are so versatile and serve many different purposes, allowing you to replace many of the harmful products in your home with much safer alternatives.  Because Young Living oils are pure and potent, you will find that one drop goes a long way, meaning in some cases, you are saving lots of pennies in the process



Listening to my Intuition

There are times when my gut, my intuition tells me something isn’t right. I have been quietly listening and learning over the past year and there are many things that have not sat well with me.

So, I thought I'd share my journey and train of thought in the hopes it will spark some questions in you or just help you understand a perspective that may be different than your own. A perspective that is grounded in love and care for my fellow neighbor, just as I trust yours is.

Be a Mountain Mover

I believe we each need to be advocates for our own health. I think there is a level of learning we all need to do in order to know the right questions to ask our health care providers. And then, when we don’t get the answers we are looking for, we knock on another door. That’s what I’m doing. I’ve learned enough to say enough is enough. I want to write my story differently and I’ve learned enough to know that it’s possible. I just needed to find the right person to help me move my mountain. I have hope I finally did. Hope that I can get to the root of my disease and live with more energy than I’ve had in a long time!

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