Do you want to thrive? Are you tired of just surviving each day, bogged down by fatigue, headaches, pain and more?
What if I were to tell you there are practical, everyday lifestyle choices you can make to change this and empower you to take back your health?
Every toxic thing I've gotten rid of and every nourishing thing I've put back in, has brought me closer to optimal health. If you, like me, have struggled with health issues and are ready to write a different story, I want to help you make a shift toward thriving, not just surviving. Let's set up a free wellness consult to meet and talk about next steps. 

Do you want to be more intentional about the products you are using? Do you know there hidden, harmful ingredients you should avoid, possibly causing skin irritations, headaches, respiratory issues and more, but the overwhelm of where to start is holding you back? I have just the guide to help you. 
 I know it can be overwhelming to navigate labels and understand what products are truly "safe and natural." This free guide will explain greenwashing and give you a map to begin navigating your way through. 

 Sample Blog Posts

Learning to THRIVE, not just survive, through non-toxic living. 
Stories of faith, life and oils. 


Our lives are a book. Plots differ and the conflict varies, but we each have a story to tell. A story that is filled with chapters.  A story meant to be shared with those around us. This is how we learn, grow and help each other. It's with that in mind I write this post. I want to share one chapter of my story. The part that involves getting a diagnosis of Hashimoto thyroiditis and how I overcame it.  To do that I need to flip back the pages to the chapter that started ten years ago. If you don’t want to keep reading and want the short version, here it is: I was diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism which was a result of Hashimoto disease. Basically, my body was attacking my thyroid and it wasn't producing the right amount of hormones. I was put on thyroid medication for seven years. Thanks to lifestyle changes, I'm no longer on medication and. the last I checked, my autoimmune condition and thyroid lab results were good. I’m over-the-moon grateful for this! The end. Well, not really. Keep reading to learn what changes I made to get to this point. 

Mold. Do you know it? Is it something you've ever given much thought to? Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it out of my mind, or my home right now. It's my reality. 
You see, for the last 10 years, I’ve struggled with depression, weight gain, fatigue, unbalanced hormones and skin issues. I was also diagnosed with auto-immune hypothyroidism, otherwise known as Hashimoto's disease. Although I didn't suspect mold right away, I did acknowledge that something wasn’t right. My husband was the one who finally pushed me to get help, and I’m so glad he did.


Having a dog is not all sunshine and roses. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard not to melt when I see this face and I usually forget all wrongs done with one look into his eyes, but there are messy parts of pet ownership I could do without. 

You know, like the barking, shedding and daily poop pick-up. Can I get an AMEN?Here's an example. The other day my daughter noticed a foul smell out on our front porch. It's a favorite spot for Mercy (our lovely lab), and sometimes Scout (our beagle boy). They love to sit on the window seat to look out into the front yard or wait for someone to come home.

Seven Reasons to ditch candles

The aromas you have in your home, whether they are from candles, plug-ins or sprays, 
do make a difference in your health and the health of your family-pets included!
Most are synthetic and artificial and cause havoc on your endocrine system, leaving 
you with unwanted symptoms. A simple ditch and switch may be all you need.

 Click the button below to start learning.


Does a cloud of heaviness weigh you down? That's where I was in 2014. Sadness for unexplained reasons followed me around and I was desperate for a change. Are you? If so, read on. 

My change came through a starter bundle of essential oils. Specifically, an oil blend called Joy.  Not understanding why, but willing to follow the suggestions I had been given, I began applying it over my heart daily.  Slowly I became aware that something had changed. The heaviness of sadness that weighed me down had lifted. It's then that I became a believer in the power of aromatherapy and it's ability to impact my emotional and mental health. 

And it didn't stop there. The amount of colds that passed through my home was radically reduced as welI. Since then, things like Thieves, Lavender, and Frankincense have become staples in my home for everything. 

If you too are looking for a change, if you're lacking in joy and discouragement is your constant companion, may I suggest you try essential oils?  The blend JOY may not be your HERO oil, as it was mine, but it might be. You won't know unless you try.  There are many oils that can support your emotions and help you find the joy that's been out of your reach. 


Yes, I want to keep learning about creating a HAppy Healthy home and body. 

Be inspired and stay in the loop. Simply share your email and text number (optional) with me and we can keep in touch. I look forward to meeting you!