Is It Mold?

Discovering the root cause of a myriad of debilitating symptoms like chronic fatigue, brain fog, and skin issues can feel like a massive victory. This is precisely what happened when the culprit behind such distressing symptoms was finally identified as mold exposure. The realization that mold, an often-overlooked factor, was responsible offers a mix of relief and validation, providing a clear target for addressing long-standing health challenges.

However, understanding the depth of the problem also unveils a daunting path ahead. When the levels of toxins, such as ochratoxin A, were revealed to be alarmingly high, the advice to leave the contaminated environment seemed like an insurmountable task. The journey towards healing begins with acknowledging the impact of past exposures and making significant lifestyle adjustments to escape the source of sickness.

Sharing this personal ordeal is not about dwelling on the years lost to illness but about offering hope and guidance to others who might be silently suffering. By bringing awareness to the signs of mold exposure and encouraging early testing, the goal is to arm individuals with the knowledge needed to take proactive steps towards recovery. Recognizing the signs of mold and understanding its profound health implications can pave the way for healing and recovery, transforming personal adversity into an opportunity to aid others on their wellness journey.

Estrogen Reset

Estrogen Reset

I recently found out I have high levels of estrogen stored in my body and eating a diet rich in fiber helps to flush (ie poop) out the excess. Too much estrogen can wreak havoc on one’s body and I am tired of being tired. I am weary of the mood swings. I am ready to shed the extra pounds that keep piling on. 

So, since I want my body to function optimally, I plan to listen to my doctor and increase my fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables each day. In fact, I’m taking it a step further and cutting out meat for the next month -not indefinitely-it’s just a reset . Conventionally raised beef is loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones that stay with the animal and get passed on to the consumer. By eating grain-fed, non-organic meat, I am loading my body with even more estrogen.